
We are glad to announce that we have opened our affiliate program
for everyone to join!

How does it work?

We will give you 30% commission on each sale.

When will you pay?

Payments are made once per month, for the previous month. We wait a full 30 days to approve and pay commissions. So your September commissions will be paid out within the first five business days of November.

How will you pay?

We will pay you via Paypal only. Please do enter your Paypal address upon sign up. You must have an active Paypal account in order to receive payments from us. In case you do not activate your account and/or accept the payment, please note that we will attempt to send you the payment one more time only, after which you accept your right to payment may expire.

When will cookies expire?

After 90 days

Can I sign up to affiliates to get a discount?

It is against our Terms to purchase themes with your affiliate account. We will closely monitor and act against any misconduct.

Will you give me links and ads?

Yes, our affiliate portal has ads and links for you to use in your site.

Where do I sign up?
