How can we make it so that the sponsor links open a new tab?

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  5. How can we make it so that the sponsor links open a new tab?

How can we make it so that the sponsor links open a new tab?

1. Please activate Conference Pro child theme first if no child theme activated yet.

2. Open /wp-content/themes/conference-pro-child and create Subfolders in the structure components/templates/shortcodes .

3. Copy file /wp-content/themes/conferencepro/components/templates/shortcodes/efcb_fullsponsors.php and paste
the file in to child theme wp-content/themes/conference-pro-child/components/templates/shortcodes and open the pasted file in the child theme for editing.

4. Search for the following code

<a href=”<?php echo $permalink ?>” class=”sponsors__logo <?php echo ef_fe_vue_prop(‘ef_fe_entity’); ?>” title=”<?php echo $title; ?>”>

Replace it with and save file.

<a href=”<?php echo $permalink ?>” class=”sponsors__logo <?php echo ef_fe_vue_prop(‘ef_fe_entity’); ?>” title=”<?php echo $title; ?>” target=”_blank”>

5. Save changes.

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