How to Remove the Register Button from the Header.

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How to Remove the Register Button from the Header.

If you prefer not having the Register Now button that shows in the Header you can easily remove it following this tutorial.


1. Please remember to take a backup of the files before you edit them.

2. Login to your admin dashboard.

3. Navigate to Appearance->Editor. On the right side select Header (header.php).

4. Within this file (header.php) look for the following code:


<?php if (get_option(‘fudge_registration_widget_title’)) { ?>
<a class=”btn secondary-bkg-color” title=”<?php _e(‘Register Now’, ‘fudge’); ?>” href=”#registration”><?php _e(‘Register Now’, ‘fudge’); ?></a>
<?php } ?>


5. Comment or remove this code to prevent the button from showing.

6. Update the file.

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