We Don’t Want the 'Posted by' Text in all pages/posts, How Can We Fix This?

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  5. We Don’t Want the ‘Posted by’ Text in all pages/posts, How Can We Fix This?

We Don’t Want the ‘Posted by’ Text in all pages/posts, How Can We Fix This?

To remove the “posted by” string follow these steps:

1. Backup the original files before editing.

2. Remove these lines:

<p class=”byline vcard”><?php _e(“Posted”, “januas”); ?> <time class=”updated” datetime=”<?php echo the_time(‘c’); ?>”><?php the_time(‘F jS, Y’); ?></time> <?php _e(“by”, “januas”); ?> <span class=”author”><?php the_author_posts_link(); ?></span>.</p>

3. Save.

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