How to Place Text at the top of Schedule

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How to Place Text at the top of Schedule

1. Backup the original files before making any changes.

2. Open functions.php and replace (at around line 106) 

if( ‘template-schedule.php’ == $template_file || ‘template-speakers.php’ == $template_file ) 
echo ‘<style>#postdivrich{display: none;}</style>’; 

if(‘template-speakers.php’ == $template_file )
echo ‘<style>#postdivrich{display: none;}</style>’;

3. Open template-schedule.php

4. Find (at around line 16)

function sc_session_loop_wrapper() {

5. After that line add these lines: 

global $post; 

6. Find (two rows later): 

$terms = get_terms(‘sc-session-grouping’, apply_filters(‘sc_schedule_term_args’, array(‘orderby’ => ‘name’)));

7. After that line add these lines: 

echo ‘<h1>’ . get_the_title() . ‘</h1>’; 
echo ‘<div>’ . get_the_content() . ‘</div>’;

8. Update the file.

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