Is there a way to increase the number of speakers that display on homepage by default from 4 to 8 ?

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  5. Is there a way to increase the number of speakers that display on homepage by default from 4 to 8 ?

Is there a way to increase the number of speakers that display on homepage by default from 4 to 8 ?

1) Open wp-content/themes/vertoh/components/templates/widgets/ef_speakers.php

2) Around line number 14, you can find:

$chunks = array_chunk($args[‘speakers’], 4);

3) Replace the above code with

$chunks = array_chunk($args[‘speakers’], 8);

4) Around line number 50, you can find :

for ($i = 0; $i < ceil(count($args[‘speakers’]) / 4); $i++) {

5) Replace the above code with

for ($i = 0; $i < ceil(count($args[‘speakers’]) / 8); $i++) {

6) Save file.

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