Is it possible to let the video play by loading the homepage instead of clicking on a button, like currently the case is?

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  5. Is it possible to let the video play by loading the homepage instead of clicking on a button, like currently the case is?

Is it possible to let the video play by loading the homepage instead of clicking on a button, like currently the case is?

Please install and activate child theme. Otherwise you will lose the changes when you upgrade the theme. Please read how to activate a Child-theme

Please copy front-page-content.php from the parent theme to the child theme.
On the child theme front-page-content.php
a) replace get_home_page_slider(); with get_childhome_page_slider();
b) search for the below code:
c) replace this with:
jQuery(window).load(function() {

Update the file.

On the child theme functions.php file, please add the following


function get_childhome_page_slider() {
$ef_options = EF_Event_Options::get_theme_options();
$header_logo = !empty($ef_options[‘ef_header_logo’]) ? $ef_options[‘ef_header_logo’] : ”;
$image_ids = !empty($ef_options[‘ef_header_gallery’]) ? explode(‘,’, $ef_options[‘ef_header_gallery’]) : array();
$image_url = ”;
$video_markup = ”;
$videocontainer_color = !empty($ef_options[‘ef_videobutton_color’]) ? “style=”border-color: {$ef_options[‘ef_videobutton_color’]};”” : ”;
$videoicon_size = !empty($ef_options[‘ef_videobutton_color’]) ? “style=”color: {$ef_options[‘ef_videobutton_color’]};”” : ”;

if (!empty($ef_options[‘ef_header_video’])) {
/* $video_url = parse_url($ef_options[‘ef_header_video’]);
$video_id = explode(“=”, $video_url[‘query’]); */ //$video_id[1]
$video_markup = ‘<a class=”video-card__lnk” href=”#” data-video=”‘ . khore_get_video_embedded_url($ef_options[‘ef_header_video’]) . ‘?autoplay=1″ ‘ . $videocontainer_color . ‘>
<i class=”fa fa-play fa-5x” ‘ . $videoicon_size . ‘></i>
$event_title = !empty($ef_options[‘ef_herotitle’]) ? $ef_options[‘ef_herotitle’] : ”;
$event_s_title = !empty($ef_options[‘ef_herosubtitle’]) ? $ef_options[‘ef_herosubtitle’] : ”;
$date_n_time = !empty($ef_options[‘ef_datetimeplace’]) ? $ef_options[‘ef_datetimeplace’] : ”;
$registration_btn = ”;
$html = ”;
if (isset($ef_options[‘ef_home_show_register_btn’])) {
$button_font_size = !empty($ef_options[‘ef_home_registerbutton_font_size’]) ? “font-size: {$ef_options[‘ef_home_registerbutton_font_size’]};” : ”;
$button_text_color = !empty($ef_options[‘ef_home_registerbutton_color’]) ? “color: {$ef_options[‘ef_home_registerbutton_color’]};” : ”;
$button_border_color = !empty($ef_options[‘ef_home_registerbutton_color’]) ? “border-color: {$ef_options[‘ef_home_registerbutton_color’]};” : ”;
$button_style = ”;

if (!empty($button_font_size) || !empty($button_text_color)) {
$button_style = “style=”$button_font_size $button_text_color $button_border_color””;

$registration_btn = ‘<a href=”‘ . $ef_options[‘ef_home_registerbtnurl’] . ‘” title=”‘ . stripslashes($ef_options[‘ef_home_registerbtntext’]) . ‘” class=”video-card__reg” ‘ . $button_style . ‘>’ . $ef_options[‘ef_home_registerbtntext’] . ‘</a>’;
$header_logo_item = ”;
if (!empty($header_logo)) {
if (isset($ef_options[‘ef_logo_remove_size’])) {
$header_logo_size = ”;
} else {
$header_logo_size = ‘width=”300″ height=”101″‘;
$header_logo_item = ‘<img src=”‘ . $header_logo . ‘”‘ . $header_logo_size . ‘ alt=”‘ . get_bloginfo(‘name’) . ‘”>’;
$event_title_color = !empty($ef_options[‘ef_herotitle_color’]) ? “color:{$ef_options[‘ef_herotitle_color’]};” : ”;
$event_subtitle_color = !empty($ef_options[‘ef_herosubtitle_color’]) ? “color:{$ef_options[‘ef_herosubtitle_color’]};” : ”;
$event_datetime_color = !empty($ef_options[‘ef_datetimeplace_color’]) ? “color:{$ef_options[‘ef_datetimeplace_color’]};” : ”;
$event_title_size = !empty($ef_options[‘ef_herotitle_font_size’]) ? “font-size:{$ef_options[‘ef_herotitle_font_size’]};” : ”;
$event_subtitle_size = !empty($ef_options[‘ef_herosubtitle_font_size’]) ? “font-size:{$ef_options[‘ef_herosubtitle_font_size’]};” : ”;
$event_datetime_size = !empty($ef_options[‘ef_datetimeplace_font_size’]) ? “font-size:{$ef_options[‘ef_datetimeplace_font_size’]};” : ”;

$title_style = ”;
$subtitle_style = ”;
$date_style = ”;

if (!empty($event_title_color) || !empty($event_title_size)) {
$title_style = “style=”$event_title_color $event_title_size””;
if (!empty($event_subtitle_color) || !empty($event_subtitle_size)) {
$subtitle_style = “style=”$event_subtitle_color $event_subtitle_size””;
if (!empty($event_datetime_color) || !empty($event_datetime_size)) {
$date_style = “style=”$event_datetime_color $event_datetime_size””;

if (!empty($image_ids)) {
foreach ($image_ids as $image) {
$image_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src($image, ‘full’);
$html = $html . ‘<div class=”swiper-slide”>
<div class=”video-card” style=”background-image:url(‘ . $image_url[0] . ‘);”>
<h2 class=”video-card__title”>’ .
$header_logo_item .
“<span $title_style>” . stripslashes($event_title) . ‘</span>
<p ‘ . $subtitle_style . ‘>’ . stripslashes($event_s_title) . ‘</p>
‘ . $video_markup . ‘
<div class=”video-card__place”‘ . $date_style . ‘>
‘ . stripslashes($date_n_time) . ‘
‘ . $registration_btn . ‘
return ‘<div class=”swiper-wrapper”>’ . $html . ‘</div>’;

Update the file.

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